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How to Create a Workflow
How to Create a Workflow

Guide on how to set up a workflow

Yuvo-san avatar
Written by Yuvo-san
Updated over a week ago

Workflows are useful for any processes that tend to be repeated and standardised, e.g. on-boarding, off-boarding, performance reviews and meetings.

You can create a list of tasks to be done by various people in the company and automatically schedule them for certain dates and times.


Creating a workflow template

Go to Workflows on the left side navigation menu and click on the "Add new workflow template" button.

There are two ways to create a workflow template:

  1. Choosing an existing template (e.g. Birthday Party, New Employee Pre-Onboarding)

  2. Creating a workflow from scratch (click on the first option, New blank Workflow Template)

Choosing an existing template

Once you click on a template, you'll be able to see all the pre-set tasks. Click on 'Use' to use this template as a starting point.

Once the workflow template has been created, you can make any necessary changes.

Add, edit or delete tasks accordingly. See more detailed instructions below on how to add/edit tasks.

Creating a workflow from scratch

Click on "New blank Workflow Template".

When creating a workflow from scratch, you'll need to first give the workflow a name.

Then, since none of the tasks will be populated, you will need to add new tasks.

Add/edit tasks

To add a new task, click on the Add new task button on the top right. To edit existing tasks, click on the specific task and then click on the Edit button.

  • Task Title and Task Description: fill these in accordingly

  • Assigned To: Assign the task to the employee that the workflow is being created for, or to their manager, or to any other employee of your choosing by selecting "Choose Employees"

  • Trigger: Start the task at a specific time or when a specific task in the workflow is completed.

    • By Time

    • When a Task is marked completed

  • Set Task Duration: (Optional) You can check this box and set the task duration (how long the task should take to complete)

  • Documents: (Optional) Choose documents from your YuvoDrive to attach to the task

Click on the Create or Save button to save your changes.

Adding reminders and notifications

Once each task is created, you can click on the "Reminders" tab to set up reminders for the particular task.

You can also click on the "Whom to inform?" tab to notify people (other than the workflow admin) when the task is assigned or marked as complete.

You can choose to inform the employee that the workflow is assigned to, their manager, or a specific employee.

Starting a workflow

Click on the Start Workflow button.

This will bring up a pop-up with the details for this workflow.

  • Workflow name: This will be automatically populated. You can edit this if necessary.

  • Event Date: This is the date that all of the tasks will be based around.

  • Event For: If you assigned tasks to "Employee" or "Manager", this Event For will allow you to choose which Employee and their respective Manager these tasks will be assigned to.

  • Workflow Visibility: If you check this box, all task assignees will be able to see all of the tasks in the workflow, not just the tasks assigned to them. Leave it unchecked if you wish to keep other employees' tasks private.

  • Chat group settings: You can choose whether or not to create a group chat, and whether to include all task assignees except the Employee that the workflow was created for (e.g. for onboarding), to include the Employee, and to include others (who are not task assignees) as well. Just tick the respective checkboxes.

  • Yuvo-san Status Update Settings: You can choose whether to not have any status updates from Yuvo-san, or to have them per day or per task. They will show up in the Yuvo-san chat, as well as any chat group that you created.

Below, you'll see the list of workflow tasks, who they've been assigned to, and the trigger time. You'll need to select the tasks that you want to trigger, either by checking the boxes one by one, or checking the box on the top to select all tasks.

Once the relevant boxes are checked, scroll down to the bottom and click on the button Create new workflow with X tasks.

Using the automatic scheduler

Starting a workflow manually is great for ad hoc or infrequent workflows. If you want to automatically trigger a workflow based on a set schedule, you can use the automatic scheduler.

For example, scheduling an off-boarding workflow when an employee is off-boarded or a birthday workflow that triggers based on an employee's birthdate.

Click on Automatic Scheduler at the top of the page.

There will be a pop-up on the screen. Click on the Edit button to configure the scheduler.

First, set the Event Date, which is the date that all tasks will be organised around.

There are some specific events such as Joining Date, Date of Birth, etc. given in the drop-down menu.

NOTE: The workflow will NOT trigger for any dates that have already passed. Also, if you use any of the specific events, ensure that the relevant data is filled in correctly in the Employee Profile.

Once you choose an Event Date:

  • Choose the time and timezone for the workflow to be triggered

  • Choose whether or not it will repeat, e.g. daily, weekly

  • Decide if assignees can see the tasks that others are working on. If checked, they will be able to see all workflow tasks, not just those that were assigned to them.

  • Choose whether to schedule the workflow for all employees or only select employees

  • Determine if you want to create a group chat every time this workflow is triggered.

  • Determine how often Yuvo-San should update the workflow admins on the progress of any tasks.

Once all the settings are configured, click on "Save". You will then be taken back to the summary page.

Once you're ready to start the automatic scheduler, click on the Turn On button.

Setting workflow template admins

By default, the workflow template creator will have admin rights. Other employees will not see the workflow template unless they are made an admin.

The creator can add other employees as admins so that they can also see and edit the workflow template.

Click on the "+" sign to add admins to the workflow template.

Then, search for and select the employee(s) you would like to assign admin rights to, and click on the Save button to save the changes.

Now that you know how to create and configure a workflow you can learn how to view the status of workflow tasks.

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