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Billing Period

Guide on when and how Yuvo bills you for services

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Written by Yuvo-san
Updated over a week ago

If you are on a monthly subscription, the amount you pay for your first month will be pro-rated according to the date that you start the subscription. Thereafter, Yuvo bills the Super Admin on the 1st of each month.

If you are on a yearly subscription, Yuvo bills the Super Admin at the end of each billing cycle, based on the date that you start the subscription. For example, if you start on 8 March, the next bill will be on the same date the next year.

*Prices for the plans are as stated according to our pricing page.
*Local taxes and bank charges (where applicable) will be charged on top of basic subscription fees.

Click here to find out how changes in employee headcount affect your billing.

Yuvo may invoice a company for any applicable or outstanding fees, and the company shall make payment within thirty days of receipt via money transfer, check, debit or credit card. All fees are non-refundable.

The company agrees to reimburse Yuvo for any sales, use, and similar taxes arising from the provision of the Services that any federal, state, or local governments may impose. Yuvo may charge additional fees for exceptions in processing, setup, and other special services (including optional add-on services).

Yuvo reserves the right to change the fees for its services from time to time.

Companies will be notified of any change to existing fees at least thirty days before the fee change goes into effect. If a fee increase or change is not acceptable to the company, it may cancel the services at any time before the fee increase or change takes effect.

A company’s continued use of the services beyond the cancellation window constitutes the company’s agreement to those changes.

Yuvo has the right to suspend services for accounts that have not made payment within 30 days from the last billed date.

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