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How to Do a Performance Review

Guide on how to conduct a Performance Review

Yuvo-san avatar
Written by Yuvo-san
Updated over a week ago

On the Web

Go to Performance Manager > Team KPIs

Click on your name (or another employee's) to expand the section, then click on the KPI that you want to review.

There are two types of KPIs: ratings and open-ended.


To add a rating for an employee, click on the Add new rating button.

You'll be able to give a rating for that KPI according to the rating system set, and also leave a comment.

Star rating

Thumbs up/down rating

Open-ended responses

For KPIs that allow for an open-ended response, click on the "Add new response" button.

Then, you'll be able to add a comment for that KPI.

Once a review is submitted, it is time-stamped and logged into the database. Only admins/managers will be able to edit past reviews.

If 360-degree reviews are allowed, you will be able to see your manager’s as well as your peers’ responses and ratings, as seen below.

On Mobile

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