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View and Manage assigned Task
Yuvo-san avatar
Written by Yuvo-san
Updated over a week ago

For Web App

The list of Tasks assigned to the employee can be viewed through 2 options:

Workflows option through the left menu

Dashboard widget My Task Manager

My Task Menu. Once the Task is completed, the employee can mark it as Complete by clicking on the button on the right hand side next to each Task.

โ€‹My Task Manager Widget This widget is available on the dashboard. In this widget "My Task" option would show the number of tasks pending under you. Clicking on this option would take you to the above page where you can view and complete your Task.ย 

For Mobile App

Click on Tasks on the dashboard. This option would show the number of tasks pending under you. Clicking on this option would take you to the page where you can view and complete your Task.

Once the Task is completed, the employee can mark it as Complete by clicking on the button on the left hand side next to each Task.

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