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Updating Your Profile Details

Guide on how to update your personal details

Yuvo-san avatar
Written by Yuvo-san
Updated over 3 years ago

Go to My Profile on the left navigation bar.

On this page, you can access the following tabs:

  • Personal

  • Employment

  • Documents

  • Career Progression

  • Audit Logs

For the purposes of this guide, we will be focussing on Personal, Employment and Documents.


You can change information on this tab by clicking on the Edit button in each section, except for certain fields that can only be edited by an admin (e.g. Nationality).


You will only be able to view the details under this tab, as any changes will need to be made by an admin.


You can upload any required documents set by your company under this tab. Folders with missing documents or pending approval will be indicated with a '!' symbol.

Once a document is uploaded, the "Approval Status" will be shown as "Pending".

You can then download or delete the uploaded document or upload another document.

Should an admin reject the submission, a message will be shown on the page with the Approval Status "Rejected", with a comment. You can then delete the document and re-upload another document.

Approved documents can be downloaded, but not deleted.

Whenever an admin approves or rejects a document, a message will be sent via YuvoChat, mentioning the approval or rejection and the reason given (if any).

On Mobile App

You can also upload personal data and any documents required by the company through the Yuvo mobile app.

Personal Profile

To update your personal profile page, click on the Profile button on the bottom right corner of the screen > Personal Profile.

Update the necessary details and click on the Save button.


To upload documents, click on the Profile button on the bottom right corner of the screen > Documents.

Click on the '+' button on the bottom right and snap a photo/select the file to be uploaded. Upon uploading, the documents will have to be approved/rejected by an admin.

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